Annabel Fava and Evelyne Meissirel supported the Carrefour de la Médiation’s initiative to organise a symposium about : « School mediation: Education and Society », that took place at Moulin of Beez on April 13th, 2016.
O.M.A. presence at IFOMENE 2017
O.M.A. and its team, Juan Verlinden and Annabel Fava, went to the 12th mediation party organized by ICP / IFOMENE, our Parisian partner on April 22nd, 2017
Mediation in the neighbourhoods
The O.M.A. team, Annabel Fava and Evelyne Meissirel supported the Carrefour de la Médiation’s initiative to organise a symposium about : “Mediation in neighbourhoods” that took place at Moulin de Beez on May 29th, 2017. Jean De Lathouwer shared his intercultural mediator’s experience.
European Parliament Symposium on international children abductions
Evelyne Meissirel shared her experience as an international and intercultural mediator on June 8th, 2017 at the Symposium on the issue of international child abduction organized in the European Parliament by Missing Children Europe. O.M.A., with its international network can play a valuable role
O.M.A. represented at international symposium on mediation best practices
Evelyne Meissirel represented O.M.A. at an international symposium on the practices of mediation all around the world with regard to the different cultures organized by Pôle Sud Mediation in Aix-en-Provence and the FFCM, French federation of mediation centers on June 29th and 30th, 2017 with Laurence Baradat mediator in Aix-en-Provence, B.C. Thiruvengadam, BIMACC Indian mediator, Jacques Salzer, international mediator and …